calcium, mult-vitamin, vitamin,Dietary supplement

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BHK's MaMa Calcium EX Tablets (60 tablets/packet) + MaMa Multi-Vitamin Tablets (60 tablets/packet)

TWD $1,698

TWD$ 980

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Product details


BHK's MaMa Calcium Veg Capsules + MaMa Multi-Vitamin Veg Capsules

BHK's MaMa Calcium+D Veg Capsules

*Benefit for both mothers' and babies' health
*A Ca:Mg ratio of 2:1 enhances absorption rate
*Calcium Amino Acid Chelate to build strong bones and teeth
*Added potassium, vitamin C, vitamin D and folic acid for moms
  - Promote calcium absorption
  - Helps to fall asleep comfortably

Main Ingredients (Per serving):
Calcium(as Calcium Amino Acid Chelate) 140mg, Magnesium (as Magnesium Oxide) 70mg, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 40mg, Potassium (as Potassium Chloride) 40mg, Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 300IU

Take 2 capsules daily before bedtime. For better result, take 3 capsules at once.
Do NOT take more than 3 capsules per day. Recommended for use throughout pregnancy.

BHK's MaMa Multi-Vitamin Veg Capsules

*First step to make your baby smarter and best supplement for moms
*Helps to cover any nutritional gaps in mother's diet
*Folic acid is critical for neural development
*Compensate for the missing nutrients in your food
*Patented cranberry essence paves the way to improve mother's immunity

Main Ingredients (Per serving):
Folic acid 580mcg, D-Biotin 100mcg, Calcium(as Calcium phosphate) 41mg,
Choline (as Bitartrate) 20mg, Nicotinamide 18mg, Iron (as Ferrous Bisglycinate Chelate) 5mg, Vitamin A 2003.2IU, Vitamin B1 1.9mg, Vitamin B2 2.2mg, Vitamin B5 (as Calcium Pantothenate) 6.4mg, Vitamin B6 2mg, Vitamin B12 3.5mcg, Vitamin C 110mg, Vitamin D3 590IU, Vitamin E 21IU, Vitamin K 90mcg

Take 1 capsule daily after meal. Do NOT take more than 1 capsule per day. Recommended for use throughout pregnancy.


BHK's Calcium +D Multi-vitamin for those who have morning sickness, mood swings, fatigue, and other pregnancy symptom

BHK's Calcium +D Multi-vitamin provide a healthy, nutritious supplement to baby and mum
BHK's Calcium +D Multi-vitamin better absorption rate, better dosage, better nutrient ratio.
BHK's Calcium +D Multi-vitamin support healthy fetal development and mother's body.
BHK's Calcium +D Multi-vitamin help your baby grow a healthy heart, nerves, and muscles as well as develop a normal heart rhythm and blood-clotting abilities.
BHK's Calcium +D helps baby grow a healthy bones and support mommt healthy
BHK's Calcium +D Multi-vitamin is safety inspection, No side effects, natural ingredients.

food inspection qualified and 10 million liability insurance secured

BHK's MaMa Calcium EX Tablets (60 tablets/packet) + MaMa Multi-Vitamin Tablets (60 tablets/packet)

TWD $1,698

TWD$ 980

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